01 • 05 • 2020

Vandals have Destroyed Gates at LVM Mining Sites in South Kurzeme Region

At the mineral extraction sites managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in South Kurzeme region, yet unidentified vandals have destroyed safety gates at the mineral extraction site...

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01 • 05 • 2020

The Big Latvian Mushroom Book is Now Available to Readers

Mushroom pickers and nature friends will definitely appreciate the Big Latvian Mushroom Book (Lielā Latvijas sēņu grāmata) created by mycologist of the Latvian Museum of Nature Inita Dāniele...

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30 • 04 • 2020

Start the New Fishing Season with a Look into the Waters of Mother Nature

The new boating season has finally started and fishermen, fisherwives and their children will soon  be conquering the waters of lakes and rivers with a relentless desire to catch the fish of...

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28 • 04 • 2020

The Forest Development Fund Starts Accepting Applications for LVM Gift (Donation)

Until 28 May 2020, the Forest Development Fund accepts applications for a gift (donation) from JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in order to promote sustainable development of the forest...

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28 • 04 • 2020

For Almost a Year, Kurzeme Regional Administration of the Nature Conservation Agency has been Hesitating to Endorse the Fire Safety Prevention Plans for Three Specially Protected Nature Territories

At the end of last week, the State Forest Service set the forest fire risk period throughout the territory of Latvia. This means that both forest owners and visitors must comply with the prescribed...

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24 • 04 • 2020

Closer to Birds with Five On-line Cameras!

While waiting for birds to return from the warmer lands, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) offers an opportunity to watch on-line the events taking place in the nests of lesser spotted eagles...

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23 • 04 • 2020

LVM Takes Part in a Surface Water Quality Improvement Project

In order to improve the quality of surface water in water bodies at risk in Latvia – rivers and lakes, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in cooperation with 18 other organizations and...

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21 • 04 • 2020

Juniper – One of the Oldest Woody Plants on Our Planet

Two species of woody plants grow in Latvia – juniper and English yew – and they look quite similar at the first glance. They both belong to the pine class; they both are evergreen plants. Nature...

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20 • 04 • 2020

New Study Material about Wood Biorefining has been Created for Secondary School Students

Attēls: ©Dmitrijs Suļžics/F64 Photo Agency Sadarbojoties AS “Latvijas valsts meži” (LVM), LU Starpnozaru izglītības inovāciju centra (LU SIIC) un Koksnes ķīmijas institūta...

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19 • 04 • 2020

A Baby Bear has been Spotted Near Limbaži

  “We looked at each other for at least a minute. Then I started filming it through the car window so as not to scare the baby bear. It looked so small and cute. However, very soon the bear...

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17 • 04 • 2020

Strong Winds Damage Ash Trees in Koknese Park

The strong winds of 16 April also blew in JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) Vidusdaugava Region, damaging hundred-year-old ash trees growing in Koknese Park. The instability of ash trees to...

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