23 • 04 • 2020

LVM Takes Part in a Surface Water Quality Improvement Project

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In order to improve the quality of surface water in water bodies at risk in Latvia – rivers and lakes, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in cooperation with 18 other organizations and companies related to environmental management matters will implement a joint project “Implementation of River Basin Management Plans of Latvia towards Good Surface Water Status” (LIFE GoodWater IP) that is to take place over a period of eight years.

The aim of the project is to improve the water quality of approximately 30% of water bodies at risk in the long term by developing, adapting (to Latvian conditions) and implementing various innovative management and governance measures. There are currently 164 water bodies at risk in Latvia (89 rivers and 75 lakes) and the biggest problems include pollution with plant nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds that cause eutrophication), as well as modifications of banks and beds of watercourses and water bodies.

“LVM manages forests in the protection zones of surface water bodies in an area of 30 thousand hectares. A quarter of the forests are drained; therefore, we are interested in developing and implementing innovative and environmentally friendly management measures in areas where forest management affects water quality,” tells Laila Šica, LVM Environmental Planning Manager and Project Coordinator.

Within the framework of the project, two types of measures to improve the ecological quality of water bodies will be implemented in LVM Rietumvidzeme Region in the basin of the River Aģe by setting up three good practice demonstration facilities on forest lands:

  • Creation of environmentally friendly forest drainage elements on a previously restored forest drainage system – before inflow into the natural watercourse, construction of a maximum water flow control dam and sedimentation basin with the aim to reduce the introduction of sediment particles and nutrients into the river from forest lands.
  • Improvement of the functionality of the green infrastructure (forest protection zone of water bodies) – formation of the composition of tree species in the protection zone of the River Tora, promoting the spread of deciduous trees, as well as the development of undergrowth and ground cover vegetation.
  • “As the River Tora is not only a natural watercourse but also a water drain of national importance, it is subject to both the conditions for the operational protection zone and the conditions for the management of surface water protection zones. One of the challenges in this facility will be the ability to balance the different management requirements defined in laws and regulations,” says LVM Head of Environmental Planning.


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    Surface water is an important part of the ecosystem and its quality can affect not only the quality of the catchment areas concerned, but also the quality of water-related resources and the quality of wider groundwater, including marine water. The quality of surface water in Latvia is mostly influenced by two factors – nutrient input into the water and various modifications. Nutrients enter the water through domestic sewage and run-off from agricultural and forest areas, which contributes to the overgrowth of watercourses and water bodies. Various modifications (dams, ports, shore fortifications, etc.) change the natural regime of the waters, thus also affecting natural habitats. Improvements in river basin management in Latvia are needed to be able to meet the standards set by the EU Water Framework Directive.

    The LIFE GoodWater IP project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union's (EU) LIFE Environment and Climate Programme and the National Regional Development Agency. From 2020 to 2027, the participating organizations and companies will implement the measures specified in the Daugava, Gauja, Lielupe and Venta River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs):

  • To reduce the pollution of domestic wastewater in water bodies at risk;
  • To reduce run-off of nutrients and other pollutants from agricultural and forestry land, especially in winter, in order to reduce eutrophication and diffuse pollution of water bodies at risk, with a special focus on reducing phosphorus inputs;
  • To reduce the impact of hydrological and morphological changes on water bodies at risk, including the impact of drainage systems and small HPPs;
  • To improve river basin management planning and implementation mechanisms through strategically planned capacity building activities, as well as address weaknesses in the at-risk water body monitoring system to ensure more effective implementation of River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) in future planning cycles;
  • To increase the awareness of the various stakeholders and promote their involvement in the implementation of the RBMP;
  • To provide support to the responsible institutions in the development of the necessary legislation and regulatory documents, as well as to the improvement of environmental policy.
  • LIFE GoodWater IP project is implemented by the State Limited Liability Company “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre” in cooperation with state administration institutions: the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and the Ministry of Agriculture; research institutions: the Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”, the University of Latvia, Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR and LLC “Procesu analīzes un izpētes centrs”; local and regional level institutions: Engure Municipality and LLC “Jelgavas novada KU”; state property management organizations: State Joint Stock Company “Zemkopības ministrijas nekustamie īpašumi” and JSC “Latvia’s State Forests”; as well as non-governmental organizations: Latvian Water and Wastewater Works Association, NGO “Farmers Parliament”, the World Nature Fund, association “Baltijas krasti”, the Latvian Fund for Nature, the Baltic Environmental Forum and the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre.