17 • 04 • 2020

Strong Winds Damage Ash Trees in Koknese Park


The strong winds of 16 April also blew in JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) Vidusdaugava Region, damaging hundred-year-old ash trees growing in Koknese Park. The instability of ash trees to strong winds can be explained by the fact that the ash tree root system in Latvia often suffers from rot.

In recent years, common ash trees have also been affected by ash withering caused by the parasitic fungus (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) the spores of which just like other sac fungi are spread by wind.

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Jānis Belickis, Forest Management Planning Manager of Vidusdaugava Region, points out that the wind damage is not large and LVM employees plan to clear the walk paths in Koknese Park blocked by the trees in the near future.


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The total territory of Koknese Park covers 15.7 ha and it is jointly managed by LVM and Koknese Municipality. The Park was built around 1900 at the place where the River Pērse flows into the Daugava. Both local and exotic trees grow here. There are beautiful medieval Koknese Castle ruins in the Park. Along the Park's ancient ponds and wooden sculptures, there is a trail with benches, where you can sit and enjoy the views of the peaceful flow of the Daugava and the Pērse.