23 • 05 • 2017

Open Days in Countryside: from Cheesemaking to Boating

On 27 and 28 May, urging people to leave the city bustle to explore the charm of rural life, campaign "Open Days in Countryside" will be held in 180 rural tourist holdings in Latvia and Lithuania....

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23 • 05 • 2017

Insight into the Menu of Lesser Spotted Eagles

Babies of the lesser spotted eagle couple, called the Betiņi, are expected to hatch very soon, around 10-11 June. Already since March, all interested have an opportunity to follow the activities of...

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19 • 05 • 2017

Let's Explore Lizards Living in Latvia

Reptiles of different species whose body temperature depends on the ambient temperature are especially happy for the sunny May days. In winter, these living creatures are inactive, spending the cold...

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17 • 05 • 2017

At the Museum Night LVM Jaunmokas Palace Invites Its Visitors to Have a Look into the Nature Time Pages

Already this Saturday, 20 May, the International Museum Night events will take place all over Europe. This night, LVM Jaunmokas Palace will open its doors to anyone interested, offering a wide...

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12 • 05 • 2017

Despite the Cold, the Lesser Spotted Eagle Couple Lay Their First Egg

For more than a month already, all nature enthusiasts can follow the lesser spotted eagle couple, who despite the cold have finally laid their first egg. The eagles have made their nest in a forest...

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11 • 05 • 2017

Take Part in the "Release the Mother!" Contest and Show Your Largest Catc

From 1 May to 30 November, predatory fish anglers are urged to take part in the competition "Release the Mother!" (Atlaid mammu!) to be held in lakes managed by JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM):...

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03 • 05 • 2017

The Traditional Seedling Parade to Take Place in Sigulda

The 14th Latvian Seedling Parade will take place in Sigulda Celebration Square on 5 and 6 May. During the event, visitors will have an opportunity to get acquainted with products offered by JSC...

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03 • 05 • 2017

LVM Oak Trees will Stand in a Spiritual Guard around the Latvian Border

Celebration of the Centennial of Latvia will begin on 4 May with the Embrace Latvia (Apskauj Latviju) campaign. During the Embrace Latvia campaign, one hundred oak trees with special Centenary...

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02 • 05 • 2017

Finalists of LVM Forest Olympics Compete in Tērvete

Do we grow more forests than we cut down? Can you make lady tights out of wood? Which are pine seeds and which - spruce seeds? Finalists of LVM Forest Olympics, representing ten most active schools...

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28 • 04 • 2017

Cēsis is Getting Ready to Host the “Wood Days”

From 2-4 May, supported by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM), “Wood Days” (Koka dienas) or the days of wooden architecture, crafts, industry and design, are to take place in the town of...

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27 • 04 • 2017

Walpurgis Night Celebration

in Tērvete invites all interested to celebrate the mystical Walpurgis Night, which is to take place on 30 April. Having some fun together with the Park residents The always-busy Dwarfs’ family...

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