03 • 05 • 2017

The Traditional Seedling Parade to Take Place in Sigulda

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The 14th Latvian Seedling Parade will take place in Sigulda Celebration Square on 5 and 6 May. During the event, visitors will have an opportunity to get acquainted with products offered by JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) unit "LVM Sēklas un stādi" (LVM Seeds and Plants) - different seedlings grown in Strenči and Kalsnava nurseries. In turn, LVM Kalsnava Arboretum representatives will offer a variety of attractive and educational games both for children and adults.

The Latvian Seedling Parade is the first and largest horticultural event, which is held to open the active gardening season. Each year, the event brings together seedling growers from all Latvian regions offering the widest range of seedlings: summer flowers, fruit trees and berry bushes, ornamental trees and shrubs, perennial flowers and other seedlings.

There will also be a crafts market with Latvian craft goods and food, as well as garden products and appliances. This year's event will be supplemented with a brand new Taste Parade giving the guests an opportunity to taste and buy a variety of herbs cultivated in Latvia.

For more information on the event visit www.staduparade.lv.