11 • 05 • 2018

The Winners of LVM Bio-economy School Scholarship Competition have been Amnnounced

Already for the second year, in the framework of the scholarship competition "LVM Bio-economy School" arranged by JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM), school students are encouraged to think...

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30 • 04 • 2018

Priedaine Observation Tower will be Temporarily Closed

Joint Stock Company "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) hereby informs that in a regular technical inspection, damage has been detected in the structure of Priedaine Observation Tower and therefore due...

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30 • 04 • 2018

Knowledge and Spirit of Competition Meet in the Forest Game

On 26 April, guided by determination and curiosity, school students from all over Latvia met in the finals of LVM Forest Game 2018 not only to fight for victory, but also to acquire new knowledge...

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27 • 04 • 2018

Forest Calendar: April

  The last days of April have arrived. April has always been known as the month of juices or sap, and, in deed, the circulation of tree sap means that the forest is waking up. Invertebrates...

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23 • 04 • 2018

The "Latvian Dream" at the Embassy of Latvia's State Forests

Until 31 May, the Embassy of Latvia's State Forests hosts an exhibition called "Latvian Dream" (Latviešu sapnis) by artist Agnese Bule. The beginnings of the artistic and social project reach back...

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23 • 04 • 2018

April – the Month of Nature Bustle

Last winter was arriving very slowly and reluctantly, but in the end it did not want to leave us at all. Although the cool weather has delayed the circulation of birch sap, as usual, we can tap sap...

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16 • 04 • 2018

LVM Announces a Tender for Scientific Research "Application of Forest Biomass Ash on Gravel Roads"

LVM's previous studies have shown that burnt forest biomass or biofuel fly ash is a strong hydraulic binder and an active pucolan material that can be used in road construction, when properly...

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11 • 04 • 2018

LVM Invites 6th-grade Students to Apply for LVM Forest Expeditions

From 10 April to 10 May, any school in Latvia can apply for the Forest Expeditions intended for sixth graders to take place in the school year 2018/2019. This September, a total of 320 expeditions...

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10 • 04 • 2018

On Nature Day, LVM Reports on the Situation in the Forests Managed by LVM

4. aprīlī norisinājās septiņpadsmitā AS “Latvijas valsts meži” (LVM) organizētā “Dabas diena”, kuras ietvaros LVM eksperti ziņoja par 2017. gada meža apsaimniekošanas, vides...

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29 • 03 • 2018

Watch Live Streaming from a Lesser Spotted Eagle Nest

Already for the third year, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) has been implementing the project "Birds and Animals in Marsh and Forest" (Putni un zvēri purvā un mežā), and also this year all...

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28 • 03 • 2018

Historical Evidence of Kurzeme Forests has been Handed over to the National Library of Latvia

On Wednesday, 21 March, representatives of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) held a meeting with Aivija Everte, Collection Development Manager at the National Library of Latvia, to hand over at...

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