12 • 07 • 2019

Designing bridges between forest and schools at the 14th European Forest Pedagogics Congress in Latvia

Designing bridges between forest and schools - this was the motto for the 14th European Forest Pedagogics Congress that took place in Riga and Tērvete from 1 to 4 July, bringing together...

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10 • 07 • 2019

Exploring the Options of Log Quality Improvement in Logging Work

In order to improve the quality of timber production, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), in cooperation with the Forest Research Institute “Silava”, has conducted a study on the depth of...

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08 • 07 • 2019

Dragonflies, the Insect Hunters

Every summer, whether we want it or not, we notice these animals. Many of us even feel them “on our own skin”. These animals are insects. And summer is the real insect time. Some people like...

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05 • 07 • 2019

LVM Spring Forest Days: Almost 50 Events across Latvia

  This spring, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has held around 50 Forest Days events, attended by more than 1 500 people - mainly school and kindergarten students, as well as...

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04 • 07 • 2019

New Options for the Delivery of Woodchips in Kurzeme Region

JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has opened a new woodchip storage area in Kuldīga, in the territory of a former reinforced concrete factory that will be able to provide boiler houses in...

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03 • 07 • 2019

Wooden Shield Carriageways Help Preserve the Forest Soil

  In situations where the construction of a permanent transport infrastructure is not rational and the supply of timber must be ensured throughout the year, already since 2011 JSC “Latvia's...

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01 • 07 • 2019

Preserving Undergrowth in Forest Works

Today, forests play an increasingly important role not only in the extraction of renewable resources, but also in the preservation of natural diversity, recreation, reduction of negative climate...

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28 • 06 • 2019

Spring Planting Season has Come to Its End

At the end of the spring planting season, the state forests managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) were restored in an area of more than 9 034 ha, planting more than 25.9 million...

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25 • 06 • 2019

LVM Joins the Association of Building Material Producers

  Based on common values and sustainable goals in economic development, on 12 June 2019 Joint Stock Company “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) was admitted to the Association of Building...

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25 • 06 • 2019

LVM Commissions a Scientific Research “Modern Bio-fuel Production Options in Latvia and Prospects of Electric Vehicle Technologies”

In order to identify the options of producing innovative high value-added products from the resources managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), which are economically viable and based on...

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21 • 06 • 2019

Camp-fires should Only be Made in Specially Designated Sites

Summer solstice has arrived; it is the time when almost everyone goes out in the nature, makes beautiful decorations from meadow flowers and fills forests with songs. The shortest night of the year...

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