22 • 09 • 2022

JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” – Latvia's Greenest and most Humane Brand of 2022

  This year's most loved, greenest, and most humane brands of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have been selected in the Baltic Brand Forum 2022. Summing up the public opinion, also this year,...

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19 • 09 • 2022

The Lesser Spotted Eagle Otto has Gone to the Warm Lands

  The second half of September is the time when the most common eagles in Latvia – lesser spotted eagles – start their approximately 11000-kilometre-long journey to their wintering grounds...

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16 • 09 • 2022

Hikes together with LVM Experts to Learn about the Values of Nature

  To provide those interested with more information about natural processes and to explain the role of forestry in environmental protection, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) this year...

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12 • 09 • 2022

Three Happiness Tree Parks have been Created as Part of the World Clean-up

  Encouraging Latvian residents to think and take care of the environment and clean forests, on 17 September, when the World Clean-up was held in Latvia, the tree sowing and planting campaign...

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08 • 09 • 2022

A New Forest Road has been Put into Operation in Balvi Forest District

  On 2 August this year, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) put into operation a new forest road – “Muižnieku ceļš” with a total length of 0.94 km in the Balvi Forest District of...

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07 • 09 • 2022

LVM Presents the Restoration Works of Natural Meadows in Ziemeļgauja Protected Landscape Area

To introduce what has been done so far in the Natura 2000 territory, an exploratory walk was held on 2 September in the protected landscape area Ziemeļgauja, where JSC “Latvia's State Forests”...

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29 • 08 • 2022

Construction Works at the Seedling Sorting and Processing Complex of the Mežvidi Nursery are Underway

  The construction works of the seedling sorting and processing complex, which is planned to be completed by the end of 2023, have started in the newest Mežvidi tree nursery of JSC “Latvia's...

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19 • 08 • 2022

LVM has Worked with a Profit of 133.1 Million in the First Half of the Year

      The Supervisory Board of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has reviewed company's performance results for the first six months of this year that showed that LVM revenue...

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17 • 08 • 2022

The Council of the Wood Industry Federation Meets with the New Board of LVM

On 16 August, the Board of the Latvian Wood Industry Federation, the leading association of Latvian wood processors, participated in a joint working meeting with the newly appointed Board of...

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16 • 08 • 2022

LVM Nature Park in Tērvete Welcomes Its This Year's 100 000th Visitor

  The morning of 12 August started solemnly in the nature park managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in Tērvete, welcoming its this year's 100 000th visitor. This year, it...

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09 • 08 • 2022

LVM to Start Deliveries of Energy Chips

  Following the conclusion of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) sale of additional volume of energy wood chips, LVM will conclude supply contracts for the 2022/2023 heating season with...

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