04 • 03 • 2020

LVM Forests Days are Open for Applications

atputa meza

To experience an informative and a bit unusual spring day in the forest, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) encourages everyone interested to apply for LVM Open Forest Days events and participate in forest clean-up, recreation and landscaping in all LVM regions.

“Forest planting, which was historically the main activity of the Forest Days, has now been replaced by forest exploration activities - looking at what is happening in the forest, what it has to offer and how to behave for the recreation in nature to be pleasant and enjoyable. Participants of the Forest Days have an opportunity to see, explore, feel and do things together with experienced foresters. The Open Forest Days have become a celebration where nature friends come together and spend time in the fresh air, tidying up and improving their surroundings, gaining new knowledge about the forest industry,” says Edmunds Linde, LVM Silviculture Planning Manager.

LVM Open Forest Days events are offered free of charge. Participants should organise their own transportation to the venue and some snacks to maintain energy, as well as clothing suitable for forest expedition, and work gloves. Please apply for the event in a timely manner, as the number of places is limited.


Date   Contact person Telephone E-mail   Activities planned



Normunds Vīksna


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Clean-up of the surroundings of Lake Niedrājs



Arnis Purs


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Kārķi Forest Days




Guntars Kampernovs


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Forest restoration after a fire and a story about forest infrastructure in Tumšupe, near Zemturi Road



Guntars Kampernovs



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Environmental clean-up, reforestation and tending; from history - a pine stand near Lake Pīļezers




Inese Zvirgzdiņa


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A story and activities about the role of forest management in Bauska Forest District



Inese Zvirgzdiņa


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Pine planting in Vecumnieki Forest District




Jānis Zitāns


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  Building bridges, setting up informative signs, trying your hand at planting forests, and levelling pits in the grounds of the Christmas Battles in Klīve Forest District



Jānis Zitāns


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  Trail levelling, garbage collection, trying your hand at planting seedlings on Mount Āzis in Engure Forest District



Ainis Galvanovskis


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Balvi Old Park clean-up



Viktors Kupirjanovs


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Garbari Forest clean-up




Andris Čikuts


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Forest planting in Viesīte Forest District



Aivars Litiņš


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Forest planting in Svente Forest District




Andris Verners


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Clean-up of Ugāle Castle Mound



Andris Verners


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Clean-up of Dundaga Park




Kārlis Altītis


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Garbage collection in Nīca Forest District



Mārtiņš Rutkis


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Forest planting or garbage collection in Zvārde Forest District


Please be advised that when applying for the event you submit your personal data. Data controller: JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (1 Vaiņodes Street, Riga, LV-1004, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone 67610015). Purpose of data processing: processing of applications submitted by the participants of LVM Open Forest Days 2020. Further information on data processing is available in the company’s Privacy Policy. Photo and video footage may be taken at the LVM Open Forest Days for public information and archive purposes.


meza dienas apvienotais a

On 22 and 23 May, the largest forest-related event in the Baltics, the Latvian Forest Days, will take place in Tērvete, in the Land of Kurbads, where visitors will be able to learn about the forest sector from a seed to a finished wood product, look at forest technology demonstrations, get answers to questions related to the forest industry, wood industry and nature. There will also be more than 80 different workshops and activities suitable for all ages and levels of knowledge. Lazier visitors will have an opportunity to indulge in nature together with their relatives and friends enjoying an extensive cultural programme.

Sixth-grade students are encouraged to apply for LVM Forest Expeditions that are to take place this autumn. It is an exploratory and active hike together with LVM experts to learn about the forest management cycle, as well as find out how wood is used in different unusual everyday items.