Shares in the Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) are held by the Republic of Latvia, acting in the person of the Agriculture Ministry.  The agency’s governing institutions include a meeting of shareholders and a board.

The meeting of shareholders is the highest ranking institution, and it represents the interests of the shareholder – the Agriculture Ministry.  The meeting of shareholders is represented by the state secretary of the ministry.

The highest-ranking LVM executive institution is the board, which operates on the basis of regulations, as approved by shareholders.  The board oversees LVM affairs and is responsible for economic activities, as well as bookkeeping that is in full compliance with the law.

LVM board has included Peters Putnins (chairman of the board) and Dagnis Dubrovskis, Māris Kuzmins, Jānis Krūmiņš un Inga Vagele (members).

The administrative director of LVM is the chairman of the board.

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