23 • 09 • 2020

World Clean-up Activities in LVM Regions

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Extensive forest cleaning and improvement works in the state property managed by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) take place every day, encouraging people in Latvia to think and take care of the environment without littering forests. In the past weekend, the Tree of Happiness planting campaign took place in several regions of Latvia as part of the World Clean-up; there were also a range of educational events on sustainable forest management, bringing together interested parties and like-minded people.

A rowan in Riga

The opening of the World Clean-Up traditionally takes place in Riga, by Māra’s Pond. This time, the organizers of the clean-up and cooperation partners planted a beautiful rowan tree.

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Photo by Ritvars Stankevičs

Trees of Happiness Park in Valdemārpils

The patron of the Big Clean-up – State President Egils Levits – opened the first Latvian Trees of Happiness Park in Valdemārpils. The President together with students of Valdemārpils school planted the first oak in the park. Pigman, the defender of clean forests, also took part in the park opening ceremony, announcing that there would be no place in the park for those who act like pigs.

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Lindens will from now on decorate the town of Līvāni

The students of Līvāni Secondary School were entrusted with the responsible task of planting 11 linden trees along Rīgas Street in Līvāni. The work on landscaping will continue – it is planned to plant four oak trees opposite the Tradīciju Square.


Forest Days in Latgale

Forest days have a long tradition, mainly related to the improvement of city parks. In the newly established “Gaismas dārzs” park in Ludza, tree planting works were organized with the participation of representatives of LVM and the local government. The event began with a presentation by Viktors Reblis, LVM Forestry Manager, North Latgale Region, on the forest management cycle, the importance of the forest sector in the Latvian economy and the possibilities of using wood. The story about the implemented tree protection measures using sheep wool was of great interest to those present.

After learning some valuable tips and tricks on how to plant trees properly so that they would grow beautiful in the future, the green improvement of the park started. In order to enrich the collection of trees growing in the park, LVM Kalsnava Nursery donated two blue spruces.


Forest enters Jelgava

An equally educational event took place in Jelgava, where those interested were encouraged to learn about the sustainability of Latvia's forest management and to get acquainted with the wide range of options for using wood in the traditional event “Forest Comes to Jelgava”. The youngest visitors could take part in a number of different activities, such as building a wooden bridge or enjoying a cone bath, while parents received expert advice on the choice of seedlings, shared their thoughts on the sustainability of wood and other issues.

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