10 • 09 • 2020

Explore the LVM Educational Programmes


At the beginning of the new school year, every kindergarten group in Latvia had an opportunity to apply for the participation in the eco-programme “Pigman’s Detectives” offered by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), whereas students of grades 1–6 are invited to participate in the environmental education programme “Mother Nature Master Class”.

Learning outdoors

Students of pre-school educational institutions will have an opportunity to discover the good and the bad things together with Pigman, the defender of clean forests, within the framework of the eco-programme “Pigman’s Detectives”. More information can be found on the website www.cukmens.lv.  In turn, the Mother Nature Master Class calls on 1st – 6th grade students to study outside – in the school yard and in the forests of Latvia. During the school year, each class together with their teacher has to complete three masterpieces: an outdoor master class, a wooden master class and a forest master day. The application form is available here: www.lvm.lv/meistarklase.

Within the framework of the forest master day, LVM forest expeditions started all over Latvia at the beginning of September; this way, 6th–grade students learn about the forest growing cycle and take an about two-kilometre-long hiking route in nature with ten practical exercise stops. According to the new standard of education, students learn in forest expeditions in the context of real life, solve problem situations in nature and develop cross-cutting competencies such as cooperation and entrepreneurship. 

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Apply on time!

The competency approach to training is supported by all LVM environmental education programmes. By the end of October, the first 100 kindergartens that have applied for the eco-programme “Pigman's Detectives” will receive the LVM Secret Bag with additional training materials. In turn, the participants of the Mother Nature Master Class will receive a special LVM school calendar, where students can immortalize their masterpieces, as well as draw new inspiration every month. The calendar will stay with the class at the end of the school year as an excellent testament to the completed school year in the international environmental education programme “Learning about Forest”.

New – School Forest

Schools that participate in the activities of LVM educational programmes have an opportunity to acquire their own School Forest – a certain state forest territory for regular nature studies. At the end of each school year, evaluating school applications, LVM will enter into an agreement with the most active school of the year on the allocation of their School Forest. Further information and a motivation questionnaire for schools can be found on the website www.lvm.lv/skolasmezs.

LVM together with its cooperation partners has been offering environmental education already since 2005 in accordance with the national education standard and the international environmental education programme “Learning about Forest”. LVM offers forest environment education for all age groups.