15 • 09 • 2020

From Now on, Forest will Grow in the Territory of the Mineral Extraction Site “Medņi”

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JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has completed the recultivation works of the mineral extraction site “Medņi” in Mērsrags Municipality, returning this territory to forestry circulation. Mineral materials valuable for construction such as boulders, sand-gravel and sand were extracted at the extraction site. In August 2018, 1184 m3 of boulders were delivered directly from “Medņi” deposit to Pāvilosta for the implementation of an ambitious project – the extension of Pāvilosta piers, which was the first project of its kind in the Baltics.

“The extraction site “Medņi” is located in Engure Plain of the Seaside Lowlands. This area is characterized by the spread of limnoglacial plains or accumulative terrain formations that form in glacial melting water basins. These plains are flat or slightly wavy. There was a high concentration of boulders in the “Medņi” deposit, which can be explained by the contact zone of ice tongues, where, as the glacier retreated, there was an increased accumulation of large fractions of crumbs,” says Ģirts Zvaigzne, LVM Zemes dzīles Planning Manager.

In the spring of 2020, the development of the deposit was completed and reclamation was started, returning the area to forestry. As a result of the recultivation works, the extraction site has been prepared for afforestation with pine seedlings in an area of one hectare, the old cover piles and slopes have been levelled, forming a flat slope, and the base has been raised to make it easier for new seedlings to grow strong.

Responsible and sustainable mining allows efficient management of the land owned by LVM, offering subsoil products that are necessary for the economy and increasing the value of the managed land.

“Mining is organized with high responsibility for land resources, quality, results and industry development. In the exploration, extraction of earth resources and the diversity of subterranean products, we see the perspective of a prosperous and well-thought-out industry that facilitates economic development. That is why we take on the standards of sustainable management,” says Ģirts Zvaigzne, LVM Zemes dzīles Planning Manager.

The nearest LVM mining sites offering a high-quality and diverse range of mineral materials and their mixtures are located in Lube Rural Territory, Talsi Municipality (“Lakši” site), Ance Rural Territory, Ventspils Municipality (“Pope IV-Rinda” site), Renda Rural Territory, Kuldiga Municipality (“Renda-3” site).

Those interested are kindly invited to contact sales specialist Gaļina Rēdere (tel. 26563202, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and follow the latest information on the website www.zemesdziles.lv

LVM offers mineral materials and their mixtures that meet customer needs, taking into account the resources available at the specific mining site.