02 • 09 • 2020

STOPkadri Joint Exhibition of Forest Landscapes in Latgale



Photography and painting exhibition “STOPkadri” will expect visitors at the nature education centre “Rāzna” in Rēzekne Municipality until 30 September. The exhibition is a joint work of painter Aivis Pīzelis and Ilze Pauliņa, researcher at the Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” (LSFRI “Silava”), created within the framework of the LSFRI “Silava” and JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) research programme “Impact of Forestry on Forest and Related Ecosystem Services”.

Combining classic and modern techniques – painting and photography – the artists offer visitors an opportunity to look at the same landscapes from the same point of view. The aim of the exhibition is to reveal the beauty and individual perception of the Latvian forests. Nature is so dynamic and it changes dramatically depending on the weather and the season.




The exhibition can be viewed at the nature education centre “Rāzna” (3 Skolas Street, Lipuški, Mākoņkalns Rural Territory, Rēzekne Municipality) on working days from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, with a prior arrangement by calling 26103607 (Agnese) or 29139677 (Regīna).