08 • 08 • 2020

Let the Oak Grow Strong!

quercus robur 1

Pine is the most common tree species in Latvian forests; however, oak is widely admired in Latvian folklore, it is a symbol of masculinity and steadfastness. Often the oak is planted as a symbol in backyard gardens or as part of festive events, as a special message for the future. Selected forest seedlings grow in the tree nurseries of JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM); oak seedlings are also available to those interested. Linda Zvejniece, LVM Landscape Specialist, tells about what to do for a planted oak seedling to grow strong and beautiful.

Regular watering even after planting

Oaks are not very picky when it comes to the choice of location. They need humus-rich, drained soil. The hole where a seedling is to be set must be twice the size of the roots of the tree to be planted. Plenty of water should be poured during planting. Even after planting, the young tree should be watered regularly and abundantly. This should be done until the tree's root system grows and the tree gains some strength. This is especially important if an oak seedling is planted in summer.

Oaks from a nursery

Knowing the origin of a tree is no less important than ensuring a sufficient level of soil moisture. If a seedling is dug out in a forest in the middle of summer, then it is clear that it will be difficult for the tree to grow well in the new place. It is recommended to buy an oak seedling in one of the nurseries, where a specially prepared root system has been created for the plant, which helps it to grow well in the new place. An oak seedling in a pot is a completely safe option, because it comes with a special substrate rich in nutrients, which will help the tree to survive until its root system adapts to the new location.