07 • 07 • 2020

The Broom Is Now Blooming Splendidly in Kurzeme


Currently, the common broom (Sarothamnus scoparius) is blooming in forest edges and on roadsides in Kurzeme. In sandy soils, pine forests and young stands, the modest plant is blooming abundantly and brightly with dark yellow, large flowers.

The flowers, which resemble butterflies, evidence that the broom belongs to the legume family, but the fruit of the bushes – elongated, flattened seedpod – confirm this connection.

The common broom is a plant belonging to the basic flora of southern, central and western Europe, which has also been introduced by humans to other areas. They are also cultivated as ornamental plants. In many places, they now grow in the wild. Now the range of this species covers almost the whole territory of Europe, it has also been introduced in Asia, North America, Australia.


In the western part of Latvia, where the climate is relatively milder, brooms were once planted on roadsides to strengthen the slopes and, due to their decorative properties, also in forests and fields as feed to wild animals in winter.

Broom branches are small, but fast-growing, generously branching, summer green, but relatively little-leafed shrubs with a strong root system. It tends to freeze in severe winters.

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Over time, these foreign shrubs have adapted very well to life in our country without human care.