10 • 06 • 2020

LVM Offers Job Opportunities to Timber Carriers

ae d 190176


JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) organizes an open tender “Provision of Timber Transportation Services in 2020-2022 by Concluding a Framework Agreement”. The tender is open for applications until 1 July. Previous experience is optional.

The tender is open to tenderers who do not have tax debts, who own at least one vehicle combination suitable for loading/unloading and carriage of round timber – a timber truck with a timber trailer that meets the following requirements:

  • The timber truck and trailer are registered in accordance with the procedures specified in the applicable laws and regulations;
  • The timber truck has been manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the EURO V or a higher truck ecology and safety certificate;
  • A permit for bulk and heavy transport has been issued to the timber truck;
  • The timber truck is equipped with a hydraulic manipulator suitable for loading/unloading round timber.
  • Applicants will be selected to conclude a framework agreement for the provision of timber transportation services until the end of 2022. After concluding the framework agreement, LVM will periodically, after evaluating the volumes and terms of the required services, send a call to the participants to submit a tender proposal for the transportation of a specific amount of timber within a certain period of time. Participants will be asked to quote a price at which they are ready to transport the specified amount of timber in the main region of loading: in the western part of Latvia, in the central part of Latvia, in the eastern part of Latvia and in the northern part of Latvia. 

    “The concluded framework agreement does not mean that a proposal must be submitted for each LVM call. Participants are requested to evaluate their own possibilities and willingness to submit a tender proposal for the specific call. The content of each call may differ in terms of the duration of the contract, which may be from 1 to 12 months, as well as the minimum number of timber truck drivers per timber truck composition, which can be two or three people,” says Jānis Vipulis, LVM Transport Planning Manager.


    LVM implements sustainable forest management by offering jobs in rural areas of the country. Currently, LVM cooperates with 27 timber transportation service providers, which perform timber carriage with 169 timber transport units. A total of up to 50 000 people are employed in the forest sector throughout Latvia, but together with the related sectors as many as about 80 000 people. Even during the emergency, LVM ensures a continuous supply of wood and fulfilment of its obligations towards its customers.