05 • 06 • 2020

The Renovated Recreational Sites “Kaltenes kalvas” and “Zilokalnu avots” in Kurzeme are Ready to Receive Visitors

kaltenes kalvas

JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has completed renovation works on the beloved nature trail “Kaltenes kalvas” and recreation area “Zilokalnu avots” in North Kurzeme region. The works were carried out to improve the infrastructure and accessibility of the tourist facilities.

New wooden footbridges and bridges

Wooden structures such as footbridges and bridges of the nature trail “Kaltenes kalvas”, which is especially popular with Kurzeme residents for leisurely walks have been restored; the dead trees, which endangered the safety of guests have been cut and removed.

“Forest is a great place to go for a carefree holiday, away from the hustle and bustle of people and the noise of the city. In Kaltene hills, we have completed the renovation of wooden footbridges and bridges, providing visitors with a safe and pleasant walk of 1.5 kilometres and urging them to gain new knowledge at the information stands,” says Andris Verners, LVM North Kurzeme Region Forest Management Planning Manager.

Kaltene hills nature trail after the restoration works   

“Kaltenes kalvas” nature trail is known for its large stone piles. These are unique formations not to be found anywhere else on the Latvian coast. The mossy, forested piles of stones were formed several thousand years ago, when the Baltic Ice Lake retreated.

Getting spring water: from now on, safer and easier

“The scheduled renovation works have also been completed at the tourist site “Zilokalnu avots”. In the future, those who prefer spring water will have easier access to the spring water intake point, as we have rebuilt the footbridge and the water intake point,” says Andris Verners.

“Zilokalnu avots” is a well-maintained water intake point in the Kaļķupe Valley Nature Reserve. The road from Vīdale to Melnsils was built by the German army during the First World War, putting logs on the road and covering them with gravel.

“Zilokalnu avots” after the renovation works

To provide residents with versatile options for spending their free time in nature, LVM has created more than 340 tourist places throughout Latvia, taking care of their maintenance and renewal on a regular basis. People are called upon to be responsible, to maintain order at the recreational areas and to collect waste after themselves. 

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