15 • 05 • 2020

JSC “Latvia's State Forests” Opens Eight Bog Trails to Visitors


With the Cabinet decision to gradually reduce the gathering restrictions introduced during the emergency, as of 22 May, eight bog trails (footbridges) managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), where it is possible to organize a circular movement, will again be available to visitors.

Due to the current restrictions providing for social distancing and the epidemiological risks, LVM tourist facilities, where it is not possible to ensure the implementation of Covid-19 precautionary measures, such as observation towers, some of the narrow bog paths, bunkers, are still closed.

“Having assessed the safety measures and risks, we came to the optimal solution by opening those recreation facilities to visitors, where it is possible to control the flow of people and ensure circular movement. Work on the reorientation of movement on the bog trails will be completed by 21 May. At the same time, visitors should take into account that some of the facilities managed by LVM will still not be available, at least until the end of the emergency situation,” tells Edmunds Linde, LVM Forestry Planning Manager.

Bog trails open to visitors as to 22 May:

  • Bog Trail Aklā purva taka
  • Kalnanši Bog Trail
  • Niedrāji-Pilka Bog Trail
  • Olderi Bog Trail
  • Lake Purezers Bog Trail
  • Mount Pūsēni
  • Teirumnīki Bog Trail
  • Vasenieki Bog Trail
  • The following recreational facilities are still temporarily closed to visitors:

  • Ančupāni Observation Tower
  • Children's playground by Lake Niedrājs
  • Dunika Bog Trail
  • Īle Bunker
  • Jaunpils Elle Hill Cave
  • Kamparkalns Hill Observation Tower
  • Ložmetējkalns Hill Observation Tower
  • Priedaine Observation Tower
  • Planči Bog Trail
  • Bird watching tower in Pape Nature Park
  • Stompaki Partisan Headquarters Trail
  • Ūdrkalns Hill Observation Tower

    There is enough space in forests!

    LVM manages a total of more than 340 recreational facilities throughout the entire territory of Latvia, where both campfire sites and the necessary infrastructure are provided. At the same time, we encourage holidaymakers to observe a distance of 2 metres from other people and enjoy 1.62 million hectares of forest undisturbed, getting to know new forest resources, forest roads, trails, ravines, hills and plains.