17 • 04 • 2020

LVM Announces a Tender for Scientific Research "Scientific Evaluation and Development of a Management Plan for Genetic Resources Forest Stand Units “Svirlaukas osis” and “Jaunjelgavas osis”

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JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has ordered a scientific research “Scientific Evaluation and Development of a Management Plan for Genetic Resources Forest Stand Units “Svirlaukas osis” and “Jaunjelgavas osis”.

Upon organizing the management of ash tree genetic resources forest stands, it was found that the ash tree stands in genetic resources forest stand units “Svirlaukas osis” have perished, which is possibly caused by pathogenic fungi Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (anamorph: Chalara fraxinea). In the current situation, the natural restoration of the extinct stands with ash trees, which would serve as offspring of the perished mother stand, is significantly hindered.

In the genetic resources forest stand unit “Jaunjelgavsa osis”, some of the growing ash trees have also withered; however, the general condition of the stands is not critical. In spite of this, just like in the other facility, natural regeneration with ash trees practically does not take place there.

The largest portion of the genetic resources forest stand areas are also natural forest habitats, further management of which is unclear in the absence of respective scientific opinion/research.

Goal of the research: To carry out a scientific assessment of the genetic resources forest stand units “Svirlaukas asis” and “Jaunjelgavas asis” and develop a plan for their future management.

Proposal submission deadline: 27 April 2020. Proposals should be submitted electronically (signed with a secure electronic signature) to the following e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contact information: Viktors Gulbis, Long-term Planning Manager (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. 676 100 15).