16 • 04 • 2020

Congratulations to the Winner of the LVM Forest Day Sticker Competition!

rojas vsk denis basalajevs

Every year, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) encourages school students to participate in a creative competition and make a sticker design for LVM Forest Day events. The theme of this year's competition was “Young Stand”. After long discussions, the jury chose the work by Deniss Basalajevs, a student at Roja Secondary School, as the best and most relevant drawing, and it will now turn into a sticker. Congratulations!

“Intense discussions took place among the members of the jury in order to select the best of the almost 500 works submitted for the competition. School students from all over Latvia presented their vision and understanding of the concept of a young stand – the strong and high-quality forest of the future. One work depicts a fragile seedling that needs to be guarded and cherished, another – young trees purposefully leaning up towards the sun, and yet another carries a convincing message – in order to grow a strong and beautiful forest, it must be taken care of from the very moment of planting. It is not an easy task to evaluate the creative works,” Anda Sproģe-Vāvere, a member of the competition jury and LVM Environmental Education Specialist, comments the course of this year's competition.

The Latvian Forest Days events have now been cancelled to limit the spread of COVID-19. Other public events have also been cancelled, such as the largest forest industry event in the Baltics – the Latvian Forest Days in Tērvete, where the winner of the LVM Forest Day sticker competition is also traditionally congratulated. Despite the changes, the drawing will become a sticker and its author will be honoured. A birch plywood skateboard made in Latvia and a greeting from JSC “Latvia's State Forests” will be delivered to the winner to Roja with the assistance of the postal services provided by “Latvijas Pasts”.

uzlimju konkursa uzvaretaja meza dienas 2019

Emīlija Prihodjko, a student at Talsi Primary School, was the winner of the LVM Forest Day sticker competition in 2019. In turn, Eduards Jaujenieks from Aknīste Secondary School won the jury's choice award.