09 • 04 • 2020

Fire Damages Young Stands


The fire-hazardous period has not yet been announced, but due to the dry and sunny weather the first fires have already been recorded in state forests. This year, 18 forest fires with a total fire-affected area of more than 12 hectares have been eliminated in the forests managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM). Half of the burnt area is covered by young stands - pine and spruce plantations, which have been purposefully grown to obtain high-quality forest for future generations.

On 8 April, a forest fire broke out in Nīcgale Forest District in LVM Dienvidlatgale region, damaging 6 hectares of young forest. The most common causes of fire accidents are caused by careless handling of fire, as well as by burning last year's grass.


“Fire safety requirements must be strictly observed when in forest and any open flame outside specially installed camp-fire places is prohibited. Please remember that currently forests are dry and a devastating forest fire can start even from the smallest spark,” tells Edijs Leišavnieks, LVM Forest Protection and Fire Fighting Manager.



LVM urges people to be especially careful and cautious when in forest and to strictly observe the established fire safety requirements, for example, not to make fires outside special camp-fire sites, not to drop burning or smouldering matches, cigarette butts or other items, as well as not to drive motor vehicles off the road as they can cause a devastating forest fire.