06 • 04 • 2020

Students Receive LVM Bio-economy School Scholarships

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Fierce competition has developed among this year’s participants of LVM Bio-economy School scholarship competition organized by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), since student knowledge of the innovative bio-economy and understanding of the growing role of forest resources in solving environmental problems has grown significantly. After intense discussions, the competition jury selected the scholarship winners. Congratulations!

For the fourth year in a row, the scholarship competition encourages young people in Latvia to create their own video messages in honour of the UN International Day of Forests. Representatives of the competition jury tell that the knowledge of the participants and their presentation skills increase year by year, therefore it is becoming more and more difficult to choose the best works. This year, the jury decided to award two more scholarships, as well as promotion prizes, namely, eleven participants will receive LVM backpacks for safe hiking in nature.


  • 1st prize and LVM scholarship of EUR 700: Marija Nikola Jansone, Valmiera Viesturs Secondary School
  • 2nd prize and LVM scholarship of EUR 500: Kristians Šneps, Riga Secondary School No. 49
  • 3rd prize and LVM scholarship of EUR 300: Miks Aksels Apermanis, Salaspils Secondary School No. 1


  • A scholarship of EUR 250 from the association “Zaļās mājas”: Laura Nikola Pinne, Jēkabpils Secondary School No. 3
  • A scholarship of EUR 250 from the association “Zaļās mājas”: Daniels Markuss Daņilovs, Valmiera State Gymnasium
  • A scholarship of EUR 250 from JSC “Latvijas Finieris”: Anete Paula Tomiņa, Engineering High School of Riga Technical University
  • A scholarship of EUR 250 from LLC “Rīgas meži”: Dominiks Teodors Liopa, Riga Natālija Draudziņa Secondary School
  • A scholarship of EUR 250 from LLC “Rīgas meži”: Diāna Vanaga, Riga State Gymnasium No. 3

    LVM Promotion Awards for creative performance were awarded to:

  • Daniela Alise Smelte, Engineering High School of Riga Technical University
  • Elizabete Agnese Štrēma, Riga Centre Humanitarian Secondary School
  • Taiga Lazdāne, Ādaži Free Waldorf School
  • Kristīne Ivčenko, Riga Classical Gymnasium
  • Kerija Keita Ziemele, Riga Teika Secondary School
  • Viktorija Maksimova, Eastern Latvia Technology High School
  • Gerda Gustsone, Vecumnieki Secondary School
  • Marta Špundzāne, Majori Scondary School
  • Santa Sadovska, Ventspils Secondary School No. 4
  • Marija Puhtajeviča, Ventspils Secondary School No. 4
  • Tabita Saukāne, Riga Secondary School No.6
  • Video messages of all finalists of 2020 are available on the Facebook page “Explore the Forest, Latvia” (Izzini mežu, Latvija) here.

    The LVM Bio-economy School scholarship competition with the aim to educate students about the innovative field of bio-economy is organized by LVM in cooperation with the association “Zaļās mājas”, JSC “Latvijas Finieris”, LLC “Rīgas meži” and the National Centre for Education. The theme of this year's competition was “Young Stand”.

    In the three rounds of the competition, participants discover, explore and talk about the innovative field of bio-economy, raising their awareness of the growing role of forest resources in addressing environmental problems.

    Read more at lvm.lv/bioekonomika