11 • 11 • 2019

LVM Reinforces the Banks of the River Tērvete

 krasta stiprinasana pec

In order to prevent the possible flooding of the River Road in Latvia’s State Forest Nature Park in Tērvete, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) carried out the reinforcement of the banks of the River Tērvete in the territory of the park. The River Road is an essential part of the nature park infrastructure and is also included in the tourist train path of the park.

“River bank erosion is a natural process, but this time it came close to the River Road and threatened to flood it. That is why in October we reinforced the river bank with boulders in three separate sections with a total length of 100 metres,” tells Indris Stulpāns, LVM Forest Infrastructure Executive Director.

krasta stiprinasana pirms

Photo: The bank of the River Tērvete before reinforcement

The technical documentation for the bank reinforcement works was developed by SIA “Horizontāle”, while the works were carried out by SIA “KULK”.

Regardless of the season and the weather, many families and nature lovers appreciate the opportunity to relax and enjoy walks in the beloved Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete. The work to clean up and maintain new and exciting sites in the park area is ongoing throughout the year.
