03 • 10 • 2019

Grass and Outgrowth Mowing is Carried out to Make Forest Roads Last Longer

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Regular forest road maintenance and tending work, including mowing grass and outgrowth along side-roads and side-walks, ensures longer forest road life. In the forests managed by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM), roadside mowing is carried out in August and September, thus facilitating the drying of the pavement and improving traffic safety, as drivers have a more transparent road.

Roadside grass obstructs the drainage of water from the road structure, significantly reducing sunlight and wind access to the road.

“Grass and outgrowth are mowed with hitched or trailed mowers most often fitted on agricultural tractors. Often these works are also done with hand tools, especially in areas with difficult terrain and ditch placement. The maximum mowing width is 6 metres. A band cut at such a width ensures the preservation of the life of the road construction elements,” tells Ingus Barviķis, LVM Road Operations and Maintenance Manager.

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Everyday forest road maintenance work includes about 30 different jobs, and for each of them there are special quality requirements that are tested. Depending on the season, the following is carried out: road pavement maintenance (gliding, profiling, levelling) from spring to autumn, while in winter, the road pavement is cleaned from snow, corrugated and treated with de-icing agents. Throughout the year, LVM carries out operational activities, such as repairing pavements.