28 • 08 • 2019

Fire Risk Remains High in the Western Part of Latvia


JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) reminds that since the weather is dry and sunny, the fire risk in forests increases. Currently there is a high fire risk in the western part of Latvia therefore, when in forest, it is important to be especially careful and cautious with fire. Any open flames should be avoided in forest or in its immediate vicinity.


In the afternoon of 27 August, a forest fire broke out in Engure Forest District, which is still not extinguished today because of the thick peat layer in the affected area and the difficulty of access the area by fire-fighting vehicles. The estimated area affected by the fire is 4.3 hectares.

Currently, employees of the State Forest Service, the State Fire and Rescue Service and LVM are working in the area. A bulldozer belonging to a co-operation partner is also involved in the fire liquidation works to free fire-fighting vehicle access the perimeter of the forest fire.

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The reason for the fire is most likely to be careless handling of fire.

It should be remembered that, according to the State Forest Service order, since April this year a fire-hazardous period has been set in forests throughout the country, and every one must comply with the fire safety regulations. It is strictly prohibited to:

  • Drop burning or smouldering matches, cigarette butts or other items;
  • Make fires (except in specially arranged sites, which prevent fire from spreading outside);
  • Leave fires unattended;
  • Burn waste;
  • Drive motor vehicles in forests and marshes off the road;
  • Perform any other activities that may cause a fire.