20 • 08 • 2019

The Hurried Processes in Nature


This year, everything is happening earlier than usual in the Latvian nature. Already in February, not only maples but also birches had sap, various plants began to bloom and blossom, migratory birds returned and animals started to wake up from their winter sleep much earlier. Even later, many plants and invertebrates developed and continue to develop at a faster pace than usual.

At the beginning of July, linden trees stopped blooming, but heather began to bloom. September is traditionally known as the month of heather, and less often also August, but this year heather bushes have been blooming in wide areas throughout July and continue to do so.

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The forest is also generous with forest goodies. Blueberry-pickers were the first to witness this. Also lingonberries could be spotted already at the end of July - this summer, they ripened much earlier than usual. Even rowans were full of berries as early as in July (usually in late August).

The accelerated processes in plants this summer have inevitably more or less also affected the lives of many mushroom species.


Mushroom-pickers probably have noticed that some of the herbaceous plants had started to brown early and that the amount of yellowing leaves has increased. As it must be, bird-cherry tree and linden leaves were the first to catch a colour, followed by some yellow spots in birch and maple foliage.

Observations in nature

Just like every year, migratory start leaving us - and this is a classic messenger showing that autumn is coming.