19 • 06 • 2019

LVM Customer Forest Day in Tome Educates and Excites

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This year, already for this fifth time the customer day organised by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) took place in Tome. This event is intended for purchasers of timber products, and the participants had the opportunity not only to learn more about LVM forest educating programmes for schoolchildren and the general public, but also to head for a forest expedition - an exciting and inspiring adventure led by experienced LVM experts.

In several forest stations, the participants of the Forest Days had a task to identify products that are made of wood or its processing products, count trees and measure tree height, determine the age of trees, introduce the latest research in forest science, and jointly build a wooden bridge. Customers listened with great interest to the experts, carried out tasks and engaged in discussions on forestry topics at forest stations, as well as used the opportunity to communicate in informal settings.

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“The first Customer Forest Days took place in 2015. During this year, we have told our clients about the planning of felling areas and forest management, introducing the process of forest regeneration, logging processes and product preparation processes. Customers had the opportunity to get acquainted with forest seedling cultivation and processing in LVM Mazsili Nursery, see forest machinery, which provides the development of felling areas in bad and extreme conditions, as well as participate in afforestation of small areas. These are just some of the topics we have included in the programme, and there are some more that we plan to introduce to our clients in the future. The goal of the Customer Forest Day is to acquaint the company's cooperation partners with the business processes of the company and show how the carefully cultivated, tended and responsibly prepared wood reaches its processors,” says Sanita Jirgensone, LVM Sales and Supply Customer Service Manager.


Customer Forest Day 2019

I really enjoyed the little hike in the forest, discussions with the knowledgeable LVM experts and practical tasks we had to do. Although the hiking programme is intended for school students, it was also useful and interesting for adults. I learnt how young forest stands are formed and maintained, how to determine the height of trees and other objects in nature without the help of measuring instruments. In addition, the added value of such an event is not only an opportunity to meet industry representatives in an informal environment, but to appreciate and gain a different perspective on the forest sector. I will definitely recommend this LVM hiking programme to my students!” Ineta Rudzīte, representative of SIA “Rettenmeier Baltic Timber” and JSC “Inčukalns Timber”, shares her experience.

Viesturs Gards, representative of the forest processing cooperative “Gaiziņš”, became interested and more aware of the diversity of forests and their significance in the Latvian economy. “Facts and knowledge about the formation, maintenance and cultivation of the forest were presented in a very exciting way,” Viesturs said. 

In turn, Vita Kore, a representative of SIA “Konto”, highly appreciated LVM's forest study programme and the work done to educate young people about the forest sector. “It was very exciting to work together with the professionals on the given tasks in nature, as well as to see how LVM manages the future of our forests. It is wonderful that they have so many and creative ways to promote the forest industry!” says Vita.