03 • 06 • 2019

LVM Uses Mechanised Vehicles to Collect Undergrowth before Felling


In order to create suitable conditions for forest management and to obtain additional energy wood for the production of woodchips, prior to seamless renewal felling (clear felling) JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) treat very dense undergrowth using mechanised equipment. Such works reduce the round timber production costs and increase productivity.

Over the last five years, mechanised collection of undergrowth has been performed in LVM seamless felling sites in an area of 186 hectares, additionally acquiring 26 265 bulk m3 of energy woodchips.


Jānis Pētersons, LVM Woodchip Production Manager: “In previous years, renewal felling with dense undergrowth was problematic to perform, because before the harvester could be used, the thick undergrowth had to be cleaned using hand motor tools. This is a heavy hand job,” says Jānis Pētersons, LVM Woodchip Production Manager, pointing out that the involvement of forest machines in this work also addresses the problem of labour shortage in forestry.

“For such a technology to be economically profitable the undergrowth must be dense - at least 90 bulk m3 of energy wood must be obtained per hectare. The development of the felling area should be planned according to the bearing capacity of the soil, as the amount of logging residue decreases, which, if necessary, could be placed under the wheels of the harvesters and forwarders,” says Jānis Pētersons.



LVM implements the functions of forest owner in state forest management and protection. The company's core mission is to provide the state and society with the greatest value that can be derived from sustainable forest management.