29 • 05 • 2019

Intuition and Mind Win the LVM Forest Game


The finals of the LVM Forest Game 2019 for the first time were held within the framework of the Latvian Forest Days. Ten finalist teams from different parts of Latvia presented their homework on the big stage of the event - they gave creative performances, demonstrated their knowledge and skills to navigate in Latvia’s State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete using a specially created map, as well as solved different challenging tasks. This year, Irlava Primary School team won the main prize - an expedition to Austria. The team could not hide their joy and excitement and with tears in their eyes, they admitted that victory in the Forest Game had been very close the previous three years, but it is only now that they have finally won the competition.

“The key to success is a good teacher who can motivate, understand and inspire. We are happy about our teacher and our team. This time, we were really keen on winning. This year is ours,” shortly after announcing the results, Irlava school team shared their joy.


In the previously prepared homework, the teams presented their vision on the theme “Young Stand” (Jaunaudze), featuring five elements that are so important to the forest: water, fire, air, earth and man. Though the theme was one for everyone, the performances were so varied and original: one team linked things happening in the forest with Latvian folk songs, one team - with contemporary modern music, while another team made their own story without words in the form of a peculiar dance of improvisation and self-made sound.

“The teams surprised us! Such a creative homework made the jury's work even more difficult. It pleases and shows that the work done in educating schoolchildren and teachers has been worth it,” says Anda Sproģe-Vāvere, organizer of the LVM Forest Game.


In this year’s finals, the teams were judged by a jury in the following composition: Dagnija Lazdiņa (Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”),  Inese Liepiņa (National Centre for Education), Kristaps Ceplis (Association “Zaļās mājas”), Pauls Beķeris (JSC “Latvijas Finieris”), Laura Slišāne (LLC “Rīgas meži”),  Līga Abizāre and Anda Sproģe-Vāvere (JSC “Latvia’s State Forests”).

While Kurbads Land in LVM Nature Park in Tērvete was hosting the biggest this year’s forestry event - the Latvian Forest Days, in the other part of the park, the finals of the competition took place. Here, the participants had to perform agility, mind and endurance tasks, for example, to determine the main growth factor that influences the increase of pinewood, to cut down a certain amount of timber, to identify nests of birds residing in Latvia, as well as to recognize conifer tree seeds and 'gifts' left by animals.

LVM Forest Game 2019 - the creative tasks and orienteering

Partners of LVM Forest Game had prepared specific tasks. LLC “Rīgas Meži” invited the participants to start water circulation in the forest and to bring water from one point to another using natural materials only. At the “Stirnu buks” trail running series point, they had to run a race. In this exercise, one could clearly see teamwork, as well as readiness and willingness to work together.

Having spent three hours running, working and solving tasks, the youngsters came to the finish line and were ready for the most important event of their day - the big awards ceremony.

This year the team of Irlava Primary School with the teacher Kaspars Reihmanis won the competition, followed by the team of Carnikava Primary School and teacher Arnita Kampāne and the team of Rūjiena Secondary School with teacher Līga Āboltiņa-Žīgure. The other seven finalist teams were also awarded, and as the host of the event said, “you are all winners because you are here”. Teams from Nikrāce Primary School, Ventspils Secondary School No. 4, two teams from Jelgava Spīdola State Gymnasium, Sigulda Primary School No. 1, Aizupe Primary School and Ventspils Pārventa Primary School also took part in the LVM Forest Game.

LVM Forest Game 2019 - the awards ceremony

LVM Forest Game aims to promote creative and healthy learning outdoors, as well as to raise school student awareness of the Latvian largest renewable resource - wood. The Forest Game is organised by LVM in cooperation with the National Centre for Education within the framework of the international Learning about Forests programme.

Competition partners: JSC “Latvijas Finieris”, forest trail series “Stirnu buks”, Latvian Orienteering Federation, association “Zaļās mājas”, Ministry of Agriculture Forest Department, National Centre for Education, Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”.