02 • 04 • 2019

Forest Regeneration Works have Started in LVM Regions

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Thanks to the favourable weather conditions, JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) has started the spring season of forest regeneration works; last year, the works started much later - at the end of April. This year, it is planned to restore forests in an area of 15 128 hectares, including by planting 9 204 hectares of young forest stands.

“Such conditions are very suitable for planting: it is warm, the sun is shining and foresters hope that the scenario of last year will not happen again; it was characterised by a rapid spring, warm, dry weather, practically no precipitation. Drought threatens the quality of young forest seedlings,” says Dace Ozola, LVM Head of Forest Regeneration and Tending. Overall, state forests were restored to an area of 15 200 hectares in 2018.

We are planting a forest

In order to preserve the proportion and biodiversity of existing species in state forests, it is planned to plant 4 709 hectares of pine, 3 365 hectares of spruce, 981 hectares of birch and 149 hectares of black alder this year.

Major planting works in an area of 8 900 hectares will be carried out in the spring months, setting 97% of the planned amount of plants, leaving the remaining work for the autumn.

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This year, for the very first time in Latvian forestry practice, LVM will start planting forest with a special planting device powered by a middle class excavator. The technology is based on planting young trees and at the same time preparing a special planting site or uplift. It is planned to plant 128 hectares of young forests in LVM  Ziemeļkurzeme region using a forest planting machine.

Every year, young tree protection measures are taken against damage caused by even-toed ungulates. 20% or 4.8 million seedlings of coniferous plant material this year are planned to be protected against weevil using alternative and environmentally friendly methods of protection, such as sand, glue mixture and wax.

A skilful performer of the tasks and favourable weather conditions are the most important preconditions for the more than 26 million seedlings to successfully start their own life in the forest. Follow the planting progress using the “tree counter” available on the www.lvm.lv homepage.


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