01 • 03 • 2019

It’s Time to Apply for the Latvian Forest Days!

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We invite school students, teachers and parents to take part in the largest exploratory forest event in the Baltics - the Latvian Forest Days, which is to take place in Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete on 24 and 25 May.

By completing the application form on the website of JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) www.latvijasmezadienas.lv, student groups can apply for the events of 24 May, when different cognitive activities concerning the forest are planned for young people. They will have an opportunity to observe forest equipment in action and get a picture of the everyday life of those working in the forest industry. The entrance is free.

For the second year now, the Latvian Forest Days will bring visitors to the newest part of LVM Nature Park in Tērvete - to the Land of Kurbads, where from 10:00 to 17.00 both the young and the old are invited to take part in more than 80 forest exploratory stops, which will be provided by various forest-related and nature-related organisations. Knowledgeable forest experts will tell those interested about the entire production process - from a seed to a smart wooden house, as well as provide an insight into the education opportunities in the forest industry. In turn, Pigman, the patron of clean forests, together with other fairy-tale characters will offer a variety of fun games.

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Groups of school students who by completing an electronic application form will have applied for the event before 15 May will receive additional training and information materials before the event. In order to keep the day in good memory and inspire for new outdoor discoveries, groups of school students who will be active in forest exploratory stops will receive a gift from LVM - a free entrance card to LVM Nature Park in Tērvete, which will be valid until the end of the year.


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The finals of the Forest Game competition will take place on 24 May, when the Latvian Forest Day programme will be devoted to schools. During the event, the closing ceremony of the “For a Clean Latvia!” (Tīrai Latvijai) campaign organised jointly by LVM and the association “Zaļā josta” will be celebrated. A number of various popular musicians will perform on the stage, to create a special festive musical mood for the Latvian Forest Days.

On Saturday, 25 May, families and nature friends are invited to the park in Tērvete to spend a day together with relatives and friends, as well as to supplement their knowledge and understanding of sustainable forest management, get acquainted with the latest developments in the forest sector and meet experienced forest experts, companions and maybe even make new friends!


Sestdien, 25. maijā uz parku Tērvetē aicinātas ģimenes un dabas draugi, kuriem mežs sirdī, lai labi pavadītu dienu tuvinieku un draugu lokā, kā arī vairotu savas zināšanas un izpratni par ilgtspējīgu mežu apsaimniekošanu, iepazītos ar meža nozares aktualitātēm un sastaptu pieredzējušus meža ekspertus, domubiedrus un jaunus draugus!

lvm meza dienas plakats