17 • 10 • 2018

Working in Close Cooperation with Local Rural Entrepreneurs

When carrying out forest management works, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) often cooperates with other landowners, companies and municipalities and seeks mutually acceptable solutions.

Recently, such an example of positive cooperation could be observed in Salacgrīva Forest District in Western Vidzeme region, where a temporary-use wooden shield road was used for the transportation of timber.

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When coordinating the route of timber transportation, it was found that road reconstruction works were planned to take place at this time, providing for restricted traffic movement. Although the works of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" and timber transportation definitely affected the plans of local governments, surrounding entrepreneurs and road builders, no one said no; instead we sought compromises.

When meeting with the road builders and discussing the place where the LVM wooden shield road could connect with the municipal road, the specialist of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" Edgars Krūmiņš suggested planning of the route through the timber yard of the local woodworking company LLC "Draugudārzs". Its owner, Māris Siktārs, took an understanding of this request and accepted this solution with no objections, even though it caused him certain inconvenience. Thus, the wooden road to be installed was no longer required to cross the newly built ditch along the road.

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The owner of the private land, on which the wooden road was partially set up, reorganised its electric shepherd, and SIA “Ķikuti 99” mounted the wooden shield road within three days.

Logging and timber transportation works took place in a highly cooperative atmosphere. While road builders were busy making sidewalks,  JSC "Latvia's State Forests" was transporting timber, while during the time when asphalt pavement was laid, LVM reduced its timber transportation volumes. At the moment, all works are completed, and the wooden shield road is waiting to be moved to Lēdurga.

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We would like to thank everyone involved in this cooperation process: to the road construction company SIA "Asfaltbūve", to Māris Siktārs, the owner of the woodworking "SIA Draugudārzs", and to the private land owner Dainis Landsmanis.