27 • 09 • 2018

Forest Calendar: September


meza kalnedars septembris

As the summer is coming to its end, days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropong, it gives a signal to trees to start turning yellow and to caulescent plants to grow brown. In spite of this, the forest still has the widest variety of green plants and flowers to offer.

In the world of animals it is the time of big events - the rutting time. The rutting period reaches its peak at the end of the month and at the beginning of October. When two equally strong red deer meet at the edge of a field or forest, one will often hear antlers crashing and breaking during their duel.

In the first month of autumn, attentive forest visitors can be lucky to hear the voices of wolves. Babies have already started to feed on the meat that their parents bring. Although wolf-cubs are already mastering their hunting skills independently, they still spend the largest part of the day in the thicket of the forest.

Watch this short film to learn about other things taking place in the forest in September.