20 • 09 • 2018

Sand for Koknese Open-air Stage Square is Taken from a Quarry Managed by JSC "Latvia's State Forests"

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Reconstruction of Koknese Open-air Stage Square has been taking place already since this spring, and it is worth mentioning that sand available at the extraction sites of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) is used for the construction works.

Initially, the open-air stage reconstruction project was intended to rebuild the spectator benches, widen the dance floor, and to eliminate the various faults found during the technical survey. However, based on the opinion of the invited experts, it was decided at the extraordinary council meeting to make radical changes and to pull down the stage.

It is planned to create a new paved dance floor and to set up spectator benches by autumn. Sand for the creation of the paved area is also supplied from LVM mining site "Līdaces", located 25 km from Koknese, in Aiviekste Rural Territory, Pļaviņas Municipality.

The company manages more than 100 quarries, which are located throughout the territory of the company, both deep in forests and closer to populated areas. Quarry development sites are carefully selected in order not to endanger the environment, but at the same time meet the needs of the company and the national economy for sand, sand-gravel and other minerals.

More information on the quarries managed by the company and the mineral deposits is available minerals here.

Since its foundation in 1999, LVM by implementing sustainable forest management has paid one billion euros to state and local government budgets. LVM's economic activities are carried out by maintaining and recovering forests, taking care of nature conservation, recreation opportunities and increasing timber volumes, as well as investing in expanding the forest land and developing forest infrastructure - renovation of drainage systems and forest road construction. The volume of timber in the forests managed by LVM increases by 12 million cubic metres annually.