13 • 09 • 2018

The Embassy of Latvia's State Forests to Hold a Clay Workshop

latvijas mala darbnica web2

On Thursday, 27 September, the Embassy of Latvia's State Forests will host a workshop of potter Krists Ozoliņš (@Ozolinspottery), during which everyone interested will have an opportunity to create their own unique and practical works.

From 16 to 19, the master will present the participants with the secrets of pottery and will  tell them how clay works are created, why they are black and what their unique qualities are. Krists will give a quick introduction to work with clay, most common mistakes and how to avoid them, which will be followed by practical work. While the participants will be busy making their own masterpieces, the master will give practical advice and answer any questions about clay that the participants might have.

The works created during the workshop can be left at the Embassy to be afterwards delivered to a limekiln and burnt. We will contact the participants personally once the works are ready and can be collected at the Embassy of Latvia's State Forests.

The Embassy of Latvia's State Forests is a place to have a dialogue with forest, and take a small part of forest home with you. The Embassy in Riga, at 1 Vaiņodes Street, is open on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00, and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 15:00. For the latest news about things taking place in forests and gardens, please visit the Embassy's Facebook page.