04 • 09 • 2018

Apply for LVM Scholarship!

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To mark the beginning of the new school year, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) announces a scholarship competition for university students.

LVM scholarship is open to bachelor (starting from the 2nd year) and master level students of different universities who study or who are interested in any of the following LVM scholarship areas:

  • Forest ecology;
  • Forest management;
  • Forest management planning;
  • Logging management, optimization of work;
  • Reforestation, tending and protection of the forest;
  • Information system solutions for forest management;
  • Modelling and data analysis;
  • Geospatial solutions and programming;
  • Use of forest biomass in the production of innovative products;
  • Use of subterranean resources in the production of innovative products.
  • The competition is open for applications until 24 September. To apply for the scholarship, candidates are requested prepare a short essay on the topic "I and Forestry in the Future" or "I and Innovative Product Development". For more information about the LVM scholarship, please see here.

    LVM announces three annual scholarship competitions: LVM Bio-economy School, LVM Scholarship in Art, and a scholarship competition for university students to raise awareness of the forest management cycle, to give an opportunity not only to study and gain insight into the future profession, but also to create an open environment for creative ideas and their implementation.

    Since its foundation in 1999, LVM by implementing sustainable forest management has paid one billion euros to state and local government budgets. LVM's economic activities are carried out by maintaining and recovering forests, taking care of nature conservation, recreation opportunities and increasing timber volumes, as well as investing in expanding the forest land and developing forest infrastructure - renovation of drainage systems and forest road construction. The volume of timber in the forests managed by LVM increases by 12 million cubic metres annually.


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