18 • 07 • 2018

LVM Calls for Scientist Proposals for the Research Carbon Circulation in Forest Floors with Organic Soils


ae d 134313

JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) is hereby calling on research institutions to conduct the study Carbon Circulation in Forest Floors with Organic Soils.

Forests play an important role in mitigating global climate change. As trees grow, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in the form of carbon-containing organic compounds is accumulated in wood. The amount of CO2 capture directly depends on the annual growth of wood stock, namely, the speed of wood production. Part of the accumulated carbon biomass in various ways (leaves, needles, bark, dead wood, etc.) falls into the forest floor and as a result of the decay process returns to the atmosphere over a longer time.

Carbon circulation in wood has been scientifically investigated in Latvia, while knowledge of the circulation of carbon in the forest floor, especially in organic soils, is insufficient. To characterise greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and CO2 capture balance, data on carbon input from tree stands, fine roots and forest floor vegetation residues in deciduous and coniferous forest stands on hydromorph and half-hydromorph soils are needed. These data will characterise the carbon input that partly or completely compensates for the CO2 emissions from heterotrophic respiration in forest lands. The aim of the study is to supplement the soil-specific CO2 emission factors for meliorated forest soils, developed within the framework of the international study LIFE REstore Sustainable and Responsible Management and Re-use of Degraded Peatlands in Latvia adding carbon stocks and carbon stock indicators in forest stands of different ages.

Proposal submission deadline: 20 August 2018