02 • 07 • 2018

Vandals Damage LVM Nature Park in Tērvete


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Last weekend, at night from Friday to Saturday, unknown vandals got into LVM Nature Park in Tērvete, managed by JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) and damaged Park's structures and equipment.

The enclosing railings around the Lopear's sculpture have been damaged, solid wood benches in the amusement park near the stage have been toppled over and thrown around; the souvenir box at the second entrance to the Park has been demolished.

"Currently, the damage has been eliminated and the Park is open to visitors. We have informed the police, who surveyed the site, drafted a protocol and promised to search the perpetrators," says Kristaps Didže, Head of LVM Recreation.

Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete is among the most popular tourist destinations and one of the friendliest places for a family in Latvia. Its total area is about 1 200 hectares, of which one third is occupied by the Fairytale World. LVM Nature Park in Tērvete has been recognised as the most excellent European tourist destination in Latvia within the framework of the EDEN project.