27 • 03 • 2018

LVM Announces Scientific Research "Mineral Materials and Their Mixtures in Construction and Production of Building Materials

Skerstu karjers 073

JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) has commissioned a scientific study "Mineral Materials and Their Mixtures in Construction and Production of Building Materials".

In 2015, LVM conducted a study named "Market Study of Sand and Gravel Subsoil and Their Products". The main objective of the study was to explore sand and gravel subsoil resources and the market for their products in order to establish preconditions for making decisions regarding future production and marketing of subsoil resources and their products. The study did not assess the structure of the demand for subsoil resources, the technological capabilities of LVM; it did not link the specific demand with LVM quarry network.

Therefore, it is necessary to update, refine and supplement the results of the study conducted in 2015, identifying what products should be manufactured, what products are demanded on the market, what the prospective customers are, where they are, what product parameters are required, which technologies and equipment are needed in order to manufacture the identified products with higher added value.

Taking into account the fact that LVM has rocks that have been extracted in quarries and the company may have access to groundwater (including mineral water) resources, LVM also needs up-to-date information on the availability, processing, extraction and sales opportunities of these resources.

For the study deliverable to characterise the situation, the current market situation should be analysed in extraction, processing and sales of mined mineral resources. It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the related processes in order to determine what these mixtures of mineral materials are and what actions are to be taken in order to meet the economic goals of LVM in selling sand, sand gravel, dolomite rock and underground water products.

The study aims at investigating and analysing the diverse uses of sand, sand gravel and dolomite and their mixtures, as well as of rocks and underwater resources managed by LVM, the potential regional demand and supply for each type of product, product specifications and production technologies, business potential and market trends.

Proposal submission deadline: 11 April 2018

Proposal submission place and address: to the administrator of JSC "Latvia's State Forests", 1 Vaiņodes Street, Riga, LV-1004

Contact information: Andris Pumpurs, Development Project Manager (e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel. +371 67610015)