15 • 03 • 2018

Young Forest Stand has been Chosen for This Year's Forest Days' Sticker


uzlime krista gabriela goba

For the fourth year already, an expert jury of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) met to find out which of the 500 artworks sent by school students this year will turn into the sticker of the Forest Days. The task was not easy, because each of the submitted works impressed the jury with its creativity and originality; yet after careful evaluation, it was decided that Krista Gabriela Roba - a grade 11 student of Druva Secondary School (Saldus Municipality) was to be recognized as the winner of the competition.


uzlime daiga laksa kalnina

It was also decided to present the Choice Award, and this year it was awarded to Daiga Laksa-Kalnina - a 9th grade student of Zaķumuiža Elementary School. Just like the work by Krista, Daigas's drawing will also become a sticker that will be presented to all the visitors of the Forest Days 2018.

The winner of the competition will receive a longboard made of birch trees grown in Latvia and manufactured by "Lokal boards", as well as a free opportunity to head for the LVM Forest Expedition together with class mates, family or friends to explore forest and processes taking place in the forest. In turn, the winner of the Choice Award will receive a special greeting from LVM. This year, winners are invited to receive their prizes in a unique event of the Latvian Forest Days, which is to take place in Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete on 25 and 26 May. All members of this event will receive the new stickers.

Every year, LVM calls on schools and other nature enthusiasts to participate in the annual Forest Days events that take place in different places all over Latvia. This year, forest friends will have an opportunity to visit the largest exploratory forest event in the Baltics - Latvian Forest Days, which is to take place in Latvia's State Forests Nature Park in Tērvete on 25 and 26 May. During the event, participants will have an opportunity to see with their own eyes how a small seed turns into a forest, to explore how the forest machinery works and, of course, to participate in the diverse activities at more than 30 exploratory forest stops.