26 • 02 • 2018

Finalists of LVM Forest Olympics have been Selected

IMG 1066

The second round of LVM Forest Olympics contest has come to an end. Ten teams have been selected to meet in the finals of the Olympics, which is to take place in LVM Nature Park in Tērvete on 26 April. Here the teams will compete for the main prize - a natural expedition abroad.

Already in autumn, students will head for an adventure in the nature to draw inspiration and create an exploratory outdoor learning game, the essence of which is to be explained in a video tutorial of no more than a minute. Out of the 15 works, which were chosen for the second round of the contest, the jury chose their favourites, while supporters voted for their favourite games on the “Izzini mežu, Latvija” (Learning about Forest, Latvia) Facebook page and on Youtube channel. Teams that got the greatest total score in Youtube and Facebook voting joined the five teams selected by the jury.

The following teams will meet in the finals of this year's LVM Forest Olympics:



Name of the Game

Aizpute Secondary School

Vides pētnieki

IIzmeklēšana mežā (Investigation in Forest)

Carnikava Primary School

Carnikavas pamatskolas 8. klase

Noziegumam pa pēdām (Crime Revealed)

Krāslava Primary School


Bagātību sargi (Fortune Guards)

Nīkrāce Primaryy School


Sprunguļgolfs (Stick Golf)

Ventspils Secondary School No. 4

Lielie Gailīši

Meža karte (Forest Map)

Irlava Secondary School

Meža skudras

Izaudzē koku (Grow a Tree)

Jelgava Secondary School No. 6

Meža meistari

Meža bumbiņas (Forest Balls)

Jelgava Primary School No. 2


Paslēpes ar Latviju (Hide and Seek with Latvia)

Ventspils 4. vidusskola

Veiklie pētnieki

Veikls un gudrs

Aizkraukle Municipality Secondary School

Imperium Silva

Meža Eldorado (Forest Eldorado)

meza olimpiade

LVM Forest Olympics aims at promoting creative and healthy learning outdoors, as well as at raising school students' awareness of the Latvian largest renewable resource - wood. Already for the second year, school students were asked to create a new outdoor educational game and using natural materials to play it together with their classmates outdoors. They also had to make instructions so that students and teachers of other schools could play the game too.