17 • 09 • 2017

A Total of 152 Bird Species were Recorded in the Bird Watching Race "Latvia’s State Forests Bird Rally 2017


The 6th annual international birdwatching race "Latvia’s State Forests Bird Rally 2017" took place on Saturday, 16 September, and all teams together recorded 152 bird species.

As reported before, the team "Himantopus himantopus" (Ivars Brediks, Pēteris Daknis, Andris Klepers, Māris Strazds, Mārcis Tīrums) with recorded 122 bird species was announced the winner of the race. A total of five teams of birdwatchers and ornithologists from Latvia and Lithuania took part in the race.

The team "Saldus izlase" (Māris Jaunzemis, Valts Jaunzemis, Jānis Jansons, Ainars Mankus) having recorded the yellow-browed warbler gained recognition for the most interesting bird recorded.

"Saldus izlase" (Māris Jaunzemis, Valts Jaunzemis, Jānis Jansons, Ainars Mankus) also won the prize for the most attractive presentation of the birds recorded during the race in social networks.

The race was held in northern Kurzeme. During the 14-hour-long race, which took place from 04:00 to 18:00, the teams with their own chosen means of transport surveyed the race area by a freely chosen route, recording both visually and audibly the recognised bird species and subspecies in the List of Latvian Bird Species and Subspecies. The species or subspecies to be registered in the list of the race had to be identified by at least three team members. There were three to five participants in each team. The race was judged by experienced bird experts Valdis Roze, Kārlis Millers and Kaspars Funts.

Teams and team members of Latvia’s State Forests Bird Rally 2017:

  1. "Pingvīni" (Latvia): Kārlis Bernāns, Roberts Bluķis, Gints Bernāns
  2. "Lietuvainis" (Lithuania): Saulius Karalius, Milda Šniaukštienė, Laimonas Šniaukšta, Gediminas Eigirdas
  3. "Himantopus himantopus" (Latvia): Ivars Brediks, Pēteris Daknis, Andris Klepers, Māris Strazds, Mārcis Tīrums
  4. "Saldus izlase" (Latvia): Māris Jaunzemis, Valts Jaunzemis, Jānis Jansons, Ainars Mankus
  5. "TTTŠ" (Latvia): Gaidis Grandāns, Uģis Piterāns, Edgars Laucis, Sandis Laime

The Bird Rally was organised by Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests”, Latvia Birds Fund and portal www.latvijasputni.lv. For more information about the race and the bird species and subspecies registered in the course of the race visit www.mammadaba.lv and www.latvijasputni.lv.