28 • 08 • 2017

The Changing Weather Confuses Forest Inhabitants

Staltbrieu bui klusos mea nostros briedina ragus. IMG 0895

In recent winters, higher than usual temperatures have been recorded in Latvia. We experience atypically warm winters, and snow-drifts may be spotted less and less often. However, in this respect, Latvia's weather is not unique, as the data obtained over time shows that a similar trend is to be observed also elsewhere in Europe and in the world. Every day carefully studying events taking place in nature, nature observers have made various conclusions about what the year 2017 has been like so far.

In January, there was practically no frost and a very poor snow cover in Latvia. The average air temperature exceeded the monthly norm by half a degree and was only           -2.7°C. On the contrary, the maximum air temperature climbed to +7.3°C, in February reaching +8.8°C! The extensive warmth woke up several species of invertebrates. Last winter, we could occasionally spot some insects and other small creatures; however, most of them died, once the weather became colder again. The warm winter also confused some of the early bloomers - mezereons and hazel-trees started blooming later than usual.

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Spring arrived reluctantly and slowly. In March, the average monthly air temperature only slightly exceeded +2°C, so the first astronomical spring month also turned out to be warmer than usual. However, the phenological spring, when the first flowers start blooming and the migratory birds return from wintering, came a lot later than usual, as April turned out to be at least one and a half degrees colder than expected. The daily average air temperature was just over +4°C.

Compared to the previous years, low air temperatures were recorded not only in April but also in May. In May, three records of the maximum daily air temperature in Latvia were broken and one was repeated. 25 records of the daily minimum air temperature also fell. The maximum monthly air temperature reached +28.4°C, and the minimum dropped to            -6.1°C.

When the weather is more or less stable, in the second half of May a full range of nesting birds can be spotted in Latvia. Finally, the nesting birds are joined by the last migratory birds that have returned from the warm countries - these birds feed on flying insects. This year, the bird's return period lasted until June. Despite the late return, the migratory birds did not feel comfortably here due to the unusual coolness experienced in June.

June in Latvia turned out to be the third month in which the average air temperature was below the norm. Observation data suggests that this time has turned out to be not only a degree colder, but also a lot rainier. In June, the average temperature was around +14°C, with frost dropping to -1.3°C and breaking the record for the minimum air temperature.

Mea cauna saldumu krs plsoa mielojas saldaj irs. IMG 0817 30

So far, July has been the driest month of the year. This year, it started with cool weather that lasted for about three weeks. In July, everyone was struck by frost - the temperature at the level of the grass dropped even below zero in early July. The last week of the month pleased us with nice summery weather, as the air temperatures rose higher than before and we could enjoy some moderate heat. As the air warmed up, insects of all the different stages of their development could be found almost everywhere. They once again proved that they were the dominant animal class on the earth.

Kukaii dominjo dzvnieku klase uz Zemes. IMG 1091

It seems that the warmth of July also encouraged birds to sing. In July, males of almost all bird species had already sung their this year's wedding songs, but the young ones had not begun to exercise in singing yet. Just a couple of short songs here and there. But now, birds both old and young could be heard talking and singing wherever one goes. 

The mushroom season started in late summer, but so far there are only chanterelles to be found in forests. The real time for picking other mushrooms is still to come. Here and there one will find some boletes, russulas, king boletes or common stinkhorn.


Berry-pickers will know that the time of forest strawberries has come to an end, and the raspberry crop has not been very rich. However, there is a plenty of different other forest goodies: there are still some stone fruit, cloudberries, here and there some bog bilberries and of course blueberries and cowberries. So, all we have to do is choose a suitable clothing and head to the forest to pick up some delicious forest goodies!