08 • 06 • 2017

Lesser Spotted Eagle Baby has Hatched

lvm maizais erglis 01

8 June is a special day for anyone who followed on-line broadcasting from a lesser spotted eagle nest within the framework of JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) environmental education and research projects "Birds and Animals in Marsh" and "Lesser Spotted Eagles". Finally it has happened - a lesser spotted eagle baby has hatched!


Uģis Bergmanis, LVM Senior Environmental Expert, tells about the first days of the eaglet's life. "A newly hatched eaglet is fed already in the first hours of its life. Until about three days of age, the eaglet is so weak that it can only shortly lift its head and open its beak - at this point the female birds masterfully places a small piece of meat in the baby's beak."

lvm maizais erglis 09

"The eaglet is growing rapidly, and already at about five days of age it is able to hold its head and demand feed. It is fed up to 15 times a day - starting from dawn and until sunset. Until about two weeks of age, the eaglet is continuously heated and protected from rain, wind and the hot sun," says Uģis Bergmanis.

In turn, starting from the fourth week of its life that can be expected at the beginning of July, the eaglet becomes relatively independent - it can tear feed into pieces, and only needs its mother to cover it up in heavy rain, and especially in hot sun.

Already since March, environmental education and research projects "Birds and Animals in Marsh" and "Lesser Spotted Eagles" offer an opportunity to keep track of the activities in the golden eagle nest and changes in nature in a swamp in the north-eastern region of Latvia.