02 • 06 • 2017

Protect Forests from Fire - Relax in Nature Responsibly!

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As holidays are approaching, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) takes the opportunity to remind that this weekend very high fire hazard is expected in forests of the eastern part of Latvia; therefore, when in forests, people must be especially careful and strictly follow the set fire safety requirements.

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Last week, a fire broke out in a LVM managed forest near Lake Usma affecting 9.6 hectares of forest area. Non-smothered, arbitrarily arranged fires are the most common cause of forest fires.

"The large forest fire area was directly dependent on the wind speed. Fortunately, the proximity of the River Engure made it possible to quickly and efficiently get the necessary amount of water in order to quickly stop the spread of the forest fire. Altogether over 40 people from JSC "Latvia's State Forests", the National Forest Service and the National Armed Forces took part in the fire extinguishing works," says Edijs Leišavnieks, LVM Forest Protection and Fire Safety Manager.

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With weather remaining dry and sunny, the fire risk in forests is also gradually increasing. It should be remembered that, according to the State Forest Service order, with this year's 1 May, a fire-hazardous period has been set in forests throughout the country, and everyone must comply with the fire safety regulations.

In forests and marshes it is prohibited to:

  • Drop burning or smouldering matches, cigarette butts or other items;
  • Make fires (except in specially arranged sites, which prevent fire from spreading outside);
  • Leave fires unattended;
  • Burn waste;
  • Drive motor vehicles in forests and marshes off the road;
  • Perform any other activities that may cause a fire.