12 • 04 • 2017

Construction Week will Focus on the Role of Wooden Architecture in Latvia

buvniecibas nedela lvm

To discuss promotion of multi-storey wooden buildings in Latvia, Wooden Architecture Forum will take place in JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) Riga Customer Centre on 19 April. Both local and foreign experts will share their experience of advantages of wooden architecture and the potential of the Latvian market.

Wooden Architecture Forum is organised within the framework of the Construction Week, which takes place from 18 to 21 April in the form of a discussion forum. Construction Week is the largest public discussion forum in the construction industry, and for the third year it is organised by the Construction State Control Bureau in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy.

This year, for four days Latvian construction process participants and experts will discuss the current developments in the construction industry. Each thematic day will be dedicated to a specific topic: Policy Day, Wooden Architecture Forum, Day of Building Regulations and Standards, and Technical Education Day.

More information on “Construction Week 2017” and programmes of the thematic days are available at: http://bvkb.gov.lv/lv/content/buvniecibas-nedela-2017