03 • 04 • 2017

Almost 23 Million Trees to be Planted in State Forests

meza stadisana

As the weather is getting warmer, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" (LVM) will this week start reforestation works. It is planned to plant forest in an area of 8000 hectares, using nearly 23 million tree seedlings.

This year, 12.3 million pine-tree container seedlings, 1.1 million spruce container seedlings, 5.3 million spruce seedlings with improved root system, 1.9 million birch seedlings with improved root system, as well as 0.2 million black alder seedlings with improved root system will be planted in forests.

Treatment of seedlings before planting is very important to protect them against different pests, such as the large pine weevil, which feeds by gnawing bark of young coniferous trees. To prevent this, in LVM nurseries the young seedlings are treated with traditional, alternative, as well as environmentally-friendly methods. Last year, 5% of the coniferous tree seedlings planted in the course of reforestation works were treated with wax. In 2017, with setting up of new lines in "Mazsili" nursery, seedlings are treated with a mixture of sand and glue called Conniflex.

Follow the planting process using the Tree Counter available on the www.lvm.lv homepage.