09 • 03 • 2017

Welcoming Spring with the New "Move and Enjoy" Magazine

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This year, winter and spring are playing with each other so unpredictably that one moment you can enjoy the pleasures of snow on the hill, but a few hours later - indulge into a leisurely stroll and surrender to the smell of the first snowdrops in the warm spring sunlight. The new Mother Nature magazine "Move and Enjoy" encourages its readers not to sit at home, to go in the nature, enjoying its beauty and yielding to the charms of spring.

Soon rivers and lakes will be bubbling and swirling, fish will be cutting the surface of the water with their tails, and bird songs will make us dizzy and dreamy. Walking along a forest path, it is impossible not to smile watching butterflies dancing in the blue violas or blooming wild rosemary. One can even hear the sound of oak and linden buds bursting open. To enjoy the magic of the spring even more intensively, it is a wonderful idea to go on a bike tour along the sea, to fishermen villages and have freshly smoked fish in the fresh air. One can also indulge into fascination of the fairy tale kingdom in LVM Nature Park in Tērvete - a place where all generations can have active recreation, enjoy the magic of the pine forest and simply have a wonderful time together with the family. Legends may also be explored in Augstroze Castle Mound nature trails, which are surrounded by a fantastic scenery.

In spring, when the ground has thawed, it is the right time to make a flower-bed or decorate a window sill. A dendrologist of LVM Kalsnava Arboretum presents the best choice for the garden this spring. In turn, LVM environmental guide as a knowledgeable Mother Forest's apothecary gives tips for healthy lifestyle and tells about the healing properties of natural wealth. In turn, Guntis Eniņš, an explorer of secular trees and stones, encourages readers not only to discover and enjoy, but also be responsible and take care of the beauty of nature.



Already for the ninth year, JSC "Latvia's State Forests" has been issuing the Mother Nature magazine, informing its readers about the major recreation facilities, managed by LVM, about nature trails, marsh footbridges, towers, caves, lakes, trees, and other treasures to be found in the forest.

Read and be inspired!