07 • 03 • 2017

Watch a New Educational Film about Tending of Young Stands


Forest will grow healthy and rich in wood, only on the condition that proper care is taken of it. Therefore it is important not only to restore forests properly, protect them from a variety of forest damages, but also to ensure correct and timely tending of young stands. The new educational film "Proper and Smooth Tending of Young Stands" will be useful for those taking care of young stands, helping them to increase the future value of the forest.

A forest stand should be tended several times during its lifetime, clearing up space for future trees.

"In the educational film, we show how to properly and smoothly take care of young stands so that forest would have high value and productivity. The professional advice will be useful for anyone who wants to take good care of a young forest," the film-makers say.

Those who tend young stands should not only be familiar with the tree species and be able to work with a brush cutter; they must also take care of their own safety and safety of others, plan their work, respecting the environmental and quality requirements, as well as be able to assess the quality of the work performed. They also need to assess stands and identify the target species of trees. To properly cultivate a stand, it is important to understand which tree in it is the target tree, which trees may be left and which should be sawn down. The film also demonstrates how to differentiate between high-quality and poor-quality trees in order to decide which trees should be preserved.

"The task of the educational film is to help persons tending young stands perform their work more efficiently, if necessary, to make responsible decisions and provide answers to any unclear questions. Properly done tending of young stands is an indispensable prerequisite for good quality forested areas in the future. We have observed that such simple, explanatory educational films improve the quality of the works performed, allowing everyone to get to know the specifics of the particular work, providing insight into the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the work in compliance with the work and environmental requirements," says Edmunds Linde, Executive Director LVM Silviculture.

The new educational film "Proper and Smooth Tending of Young Stands" consists of six short stories about a particular topic, forming one common story. Every topic of the film may also be watched separately, as a separate educational film:

LVM website offers a number of other training films on harvesting, pollution reduction in forest works, effective forest development, as well as a film on timber quality and its impact on further processing. This film shows the whole process of making of wooden products: from felling of a tree to the finished product in a factory.